Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb 13

Ode to ironing:

Yesterday's morning ravings were about the "beautiful iron!" that we have down in the basement. She just loves that iron and ironing. All day she was talking about something that is beautiful and lo and behold it's an iron... (Meanwhile I'm reading about banded iron formations to prepare for my visit to University of Wisconsin...) She took the time to iron the stuff that she found in the dryer, which happened to be a bunch of sheets and towels. :p

Yesterday was a pretty low key day. Laura, who had been here since Wednesday, left in the late morning. Grammy did random house chores, hung out, and watched tv. I did some chores, read some papers and watched tv. Sol hung out, played his playstation, and read.

Grammy- Relationship Counselor:

At some point Grammy got it in her mind that Sol and I should be sitting together and talking more often. Usually he's in another room, I guess. In the afternoon Grammy decided that she wanted to give us some time to spend together and she went upstairs to rest in her room with her cat. I wasn't sure if it was really about us or if she just wanted a chance to take a nap, so I figured either way it doesn't matter.

Now, of course Sol and I have PLENTY of time to talk and be together. We've been together for more than half a year, almost constantly. If we are doing separate things during the day (even if it is in the same house) it's not a sign of a degrading relationship or us feeling uncomfortable hanging out in front of Grammy. So thanks anyway, Grammy...I hope you will stop worrying about our relationship.

Still, whenever he is getting himself something from the kitchen, Grammy looks at me and says under her breath, "You're not going to help him with that?" or "You're not going to get that for him?" I tell her no...she'll probably be telling people soon that I don't do enough for him. HA! :)

Chef Cooperdock:

Last night Sol made bbq chicken calzones from scratch. It's was an experiment, his first attempt at something that he hopes to master. They turned out pretty well and Grammy enjoyed the fact that he was cooking dinner.

Sol's job?:

There is still no job happening. He's put in countless applications and went to different places to inquire about the progress of his application. Still, most of the places don't do any hiring on site, it's all through big corporate firms, so it goes very slowly and is difficult to follow up. He has new hope from a friend and ex-trail crew member in Maine that does landscaping. It's probable at the moment that Sol will go up and do a couple projects with him in March, especially while I am in Israel. As much as I don't want him to be far away when I'm here, I'm glad that this might work out for him. First he needs to get his car repaired...but it's in the shop now so it should be fixed soon.


Grammy has received a lot of great birthday cards and small gifts. Rosie and Bob sent an edible bouquet that was delicious! Laura made a very tasty cake that was finished tonight. Mario sent some flowers that we put in a vase today. Otherwise, we had our normal visit from Judy during the day and today Grammy didn't complain at all or look displeased with her coming. Usually after Judy visits she is pretty tired for the rest of the afternoon, so she's been hanging out pretty contentedly. We even managed to wash her hair in the kitchen sink this evening! We had a delicious dinner tonight and Sue and Grammy even did the dishes.

All is well on the home front.

Grammy quotes:

We were having a conversation while a news story was on tv about Whitney Houston's relationship with Bobby Brown. We told Grammy that he was abusive and she mostly understood...
Grammy: When you have a husband don't kick him!"
Me: "He can't kick me!"
Grammy: "I've heard of once in a while having to have a spanking." (giggle).


  1. Going to try to comment otra vez!! Yes Mom/Gram alwyas did lots of ironing - whether she loved it - I don't know - but she did impart to me a love for ironing - so relaxing - watch TV, listen to music while making things beautifully flat. I hardly do it any more, but of any household chore, ironing is what I'd choose!

  2. But I'd move the ironing board to the living room.

  3. Jo, that would really drive her crazy having something "out of place"

  4. Thank goodness for permanant press! I am not even sure where my ironing board is.
